I cannot change the permissions of that username and I cannot change permissions of SYSTEM/Administrator/Users accounts to be able to delete the files. When I go and try to change the permissions on the files there is a Username TrustedInstaller that has full permissions for the files. I have read around earlier today that you receive this because you aren’t set as the Administrator which I am set as, so that point doesn’t matter. Anyways, when I try to delete any of the fonts I receive a Destination Folder Access Denied error. So I am not sure why they are being displayed differently then their real file names. When you view the fonts in the folder that is how they are displayed, however their real file names are as follows in order as I posted: There are 9 fonts and their names are rather unordinary:īatang & BatangChe & Gungsuh & GungsuhChe I tried doing this but I have come across a few fonts that just wont budge.
I’ve read that I should go in to my Fonts folder and remove all of the fonts that don’t have a green/black O or a red A as an icon.
Sometimes when I try to run a program that uses Java I receive an assertion error that I eventually figured out has to do with a corrupt font(s).